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10 most read stories

· 1: Sexy Beach 2 - (238846 Views)
· 2: The Lightspeed Girls - (128071 Views)
· 3: Biko 2 - (89110 Views)
· 4: Star Wars: The Old Republic - (72403 Views)
· 5: Dragon Age 2 - (71709 Views)
· 6: Half-Life 2 - (54595 Views)
· 7: Gunz Online - (35164 Views)
· 8: Mortal Kombat 3 Outtakes - (28797 Views)
· 9: Vampire The Masquerade : Bloodlines - (27576 Views)
· 10: Jordan Capri - (27301 Views)

10 most voted stories

· 1: Gunz Online - (668 votes)
· 2: Half-Life 2 - (588 votes)
· 3: Dragon Age 2 - (532 votes)
· 4: War Rock - (354 votes)
· 5: S4 League - (350 votes)
· 6: Homefront - (274 votes)
· 7: The Lightspeed Girls - (269 votes)
· 8: Sexy Beach 2 - (262 votes)
· 9: Shadow Warrior - (239 votes)
· 10: The Darkness - (235 votes)

10 best rated stories (based on 5 maximun points)

· 1: Stranglehold - (4.96 points)
· 2: Half-Life 2: Episode 2 - (4.94 points)
· 3: Max Payne 3 - (4.86 points)
· 4: Thief (2014) - (4.84 points)
· 5: Warriors Orochi - (4.77 points)
· 6: Medal of Honor: Airborne - (4.74 points)
· 7: Obscure II - (4.71 points)
· 8: Portal - (4.7 points)
· 9: Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer - (4.69 points)
· 10: Dungeon Siege 3 - (4.69 points)

10 most commented stories

· 1: Half-Life 2 - (129 comments)
· 2: Mass Effect 3 - (74 comments)
· 3: Wolfenstein - (64 comments)
· 4: Halo 2 [XBOX] - (56 comments)
· 5: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) - (53 comments)
· 6: Assassin's Creed 3 - (53 comments)
· 7: Star Wars: The Old Republic - (51 comments)
· 8: Hitman Absolution - (45 comments)
· 9: Far Cry 2 - (45 comments)
· 10: Crysis 3 - (44 comments)

10 most active news submitters

· 1: puk - (15 news sent)
· 2: D - (14 news sent)
· 3: mihai_alexandru73 - (8 news sent)
· 4: m9x - (8 news sent)
· 5: Fuckinghateyou - (6 news sent)
· 6: phoenix6061 - (6 news sent)
· 7: downwiththegov - (5 news sent)
· 8: Grumpy_Boy - (5 news sent)
· 9: fhouse - (4 news sent)
· 10: berzerker - (4 news sent)

10 most voted polls

· 1: Worst Game Site - (3590 votes)
· 2: People believe in god because they are - (2726 votes)
· 3: How big is your penis? (Honestly) - (2375 votes)
· 4: Would you anally ream a corpse? - (1534 votes)
· 5: Preferred breast size. - (1503 votes)
· 6: Would you have sex with a robot? - (1464 votes)
· 7: Valve's - Steam - (1401 votes)
· 8: When you poop... - (1253 votes)
· 9: What game are you anticipating most? - (1136 votes)
· 10: Who gives better oral? - (1206 votes)

10 most active authors

· 1: Suislide - (474 news published)
· 2: M0nKeY - (43 news published)
· 3: Dwaggy - (2 news published)
· 4: Shn - (1 news published)

10 most downloaded files

· 1: Ultimate Mortal Kombat Outtakes (Category: Flash Animations) - (27823 downloads)
· 2: Painkiller - Black Tarot Card Guide (Category: Walkthroughs/Cheats) - (25825 downloads)
· 3: Hegemonia Walkthrough (Category: Walkthroughs/Cheats) - (11752 downloads)
· 4: Awesome Far Cry AI (Category: Video Game Clips) - (7261 downloads)
· 5: Unofficial patch for "vampire the masquerade: bloodlines" (Category: Other) - (5770 downloads)
· 6: Runaway: A Road Adventure (Category: Video Game Clips) - (4390 downloads)
· 7: A 96k First Person Shooter (Category: Other) - (4176 downloads)
· 8: BF1942 - Owned (Category: Video Game Clips) - (4062 downloads)
· 9: GeForce 6800 Demo Compilation - WMV format (Category: Video Game Clips) - (4001 downloads)
10 most read pages

· 1: Video Games Suck Chat Room (9668 Views)
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