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Sexy Beach 2
Posted on Friday, April 23 @ 22:32:57 EDT by M0nKeY
Adult Game ReviewsOh yea. Its too bad all the text is in Japanese. Wait... who gives a shit?
Hot naked anime chicks jumping around on the beach in this game.

This is like Dead Or Alive Xtreme Beach Vollyball without the stupid vollyball part. You have to choose a chick to hang out with on a tropical island. Click past all the stupid Japanese gibberish and touch some hot fake 3D poontang.

The graphics are far better than many adult games out there. Most of the game is real time 3D with a few decent 2D CG images thrown in.

There are 6 girls, each with a large assortment of bikinis and accessories to choose from. The only problem is you don't get to change the cloths they wear during the "climax" scenes that involve toys, nipple bitting, and an octopus (w00t). The game can be difficult at points if you don't speak Japanese but the never ending quest to see some fake genitals will keep you clicking. By the way, you never to get to see genitals in Japanese games because of their crazy laws. Yea go ahead... make that animated movie about the girl who is brutally raped by a dog while she defecates all over her uncle, BUT BLUR THE GROIN!!!! Way to go slant-eye.

The soundtrack is kind of stupid but there are volume controls and you can turn that shit off to hear the high pitched wine of a female voice actor pretending to be highly aroused. The only sound effect I ever noticed was the clicking of ice in a glass while the girl is having a drink, there may have been others, but who cares.

All in all it was good to belt out a few nutloads of seamonkey mix to some squeeling computer generated girls. A must have for perverted idiots like me, who cant get any in real life.

8/10 Protein Stains

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Sexy Beach 2

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Re: Sexy Beach 2 (Score: 1)
by ShadowFlame on Saturday, April 24 @ 10:51:43 EDT
(User Info | Send a Message) this game allowed to be on market?

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Re: Sexy Beach 2 (Score: 1)
by shinobi330 on Wednesday, September 08 @ 21:15:47 EDT
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Hi, I just installed the game yesterday, but i gonna stuck on some part of game. Like, how do u increace that freaking MAX Bar, when you're (main charater) getting fuck with the girls. Can u please tell me how to do it, Thank You.

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Re: Sexy Beach 2 (Score: 1)
by shinobi330 on Thursday, September 09 @ 23:58:48 EDT
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Hi it's me again. Can you please tell me the answer of my previous question. Thank You very much.

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Re: Sexy Beach 2 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, November 14 @ 11:19:14 EST
j aimerais avoir ce jeux
ou je peut l acheter?
le prix

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Re: Sexy Beach 2 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, January 23 @ 02:49:24 EST
Hi, will you die, please? Pea brained white faggot.

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Re: Sexy Beach 2 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 30 @ 12:56:01 EST

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Re: Sexy Beach 2 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, June 30 @ 12:47:44 EDT
how do i download the game

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Re: Sexy Beach 2 (Score: 1)
by rrremus2005 on Monday, January 02 @ 10:29:41 EST
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come on masturbate on something else Sexy Beach 2 no.1 there are other greate games and another thing what is whit those rat ears on the girls are they some mutants:))) and IT'S IN JAPONEES

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