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Video Games Suck: [XBOX] Action Game Reviews

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Operation Flashpoint:Elite
[XBOX] Action Game Reviewsjackass writes "oh.. my.. god!!! how the fuck can they call this a game??? this has some of the worst graphics ever made.. its about ten times worse than O.F.P 1 and that sucked!!!"
Posted by M0nKeY on Wednesday, July 05 @ 13:06:27 EDT (4198 Views)
(Read More... | 2836 bytes more | 5 comments | Score: 2.9)
Advent Rising
[XBOX] Action Game ReviewsFuckinghateyou writes "Soldier: How do they fight?
Alien: They Throw Rocks...

Oh yeah thats what I want to do to this game..."
Posted by Suislide on Sunday, November 27 @ 00:15:38 EST (4307 Views)
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Unreal Championship 2 The Liandri Conflict
[XBOX] Action Game Reviewsmuffinman1 writes "holy CRAPOLI, GOD I THINK I'VE JUST BEEN ATTACKED BY A TERRORIST BECAUSE THIS GAME BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWS MORE then our chemistry teacher with 3 jobs!!!(and geometry)(shes a nice person though)i just hope i came in time to save yo ass and sponduli(thats money retard)"
Posted by Suislide on Sunday, October 30 @ 09:18:39 EST (3879 Views)
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Mech Assault 2 [XBOX]
[XBOX] Action Game Reviewsmuffinman writes "So your looking for a game with robots or shall i say mechs. you dont want none of that childish transformers or robotech bs than you got to get yourself mech assault 2. this one is gonna leave a scar."
Posted by M0nKeY on Tuesday, January 11 @ 22:50:42 EST (4669 Views)
(Read More... | 3654 bytes more | comments? | Score: 3.33)
Ghost Recon 2 [XBOX]
[XBOX] Action Game ReviewsFingerPrick4Diabetes writes "Yay, another game where you kill terrorist, except this one isnt in the desert. "
Posted by Suislide on Sunday, January 09 @ 10:19:30 EST (3990 Views)
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Halo 2 [XBOX]
[XBOX] Action Game Reviewsfuhrer writes "This game is a fucking piece of shit. Those bungie shitheads are fuckin retarded fagg0ts and look like mentally retarded jews. i havent even played halo2, but just from the gayness of its vibe, i can tell its a piece of crap. the fact that it made $130 million on release is fuckin retarded and shows america is the fucking regoddamtardedest place ever."
Posted by Suislide on Friday, December 24 @ 12:36:51 EST (16076 Views)
(Read More... | 4280 bytes more | 56 comments | Score: 3.01)
Ninja Gaiden [XBOX]
[XBOX] Action Game ReviewsHmm, so after all the hype and such, i finally got to play this game. And dear me, its hard.. But also fucking excellent!
Posted by Dwaggy on Tuesday, March 16 @ 22:37:41 EST (6007 Views)
(Read More... | 3200 bytes more | 4 comments | Score: 4.25)
Would you fuck Zelda Williams now that Robin Williams is dead?

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Make her scream for her father


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