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Mech Assault 2 [XBOX]
Posted on Tuesday, January 11 @ 22:50:42 EST by M0nKeY
[XBOX] Action Game Reviewsmuffinman writes "So your looking for a game with robots or shall i say mechs. you dont want none of that childish transformers or robotech bs than you got to get yourself mech assault 2. this one is gonna leave a scar.

Well guess what i happend to have a person preorder this game as a christmas gift and i know it might be a little late but here it goes:

Story: Your this one undernourished guy who goes around killing shit in his path. In short your a merc but you dont get any money or work for some know why!? because your stuck in a planet initially, then your rat pack snots come and rescue you after you save some tattoo face bitch she offers you a ride to your little mafia. After than you save some minor clans n shit i dunno it felt like i was playing more of a rescue game then shooter. I kno your gonna whine about the single player, its all about xbox live in this one jack! I dont care what your excuse is. get xbox live, then get a credit card to pay the monthly bill. Cut down on that beer timmy its only like 5 bucks! And if your parents dont trust you using your credit card because your a little juvenile, or your parents dun want you to hear any cussin because they are power control freaks, you f****** up. the focus is on xbox live nothing more to say here! Oh and you also get a titillating hoe to bitch you around, but i enjoy it.

Gameplay: Ok this is better than ma1. You get some news shiznit, game modes like take it n snatch it. Oow then there is deh conquest mode where you go and tyrannize other little factions. There are total of 5 factions. There are more than 20 or more like 30 planets in which you have to play different game per planet. If you own a territoy you can defend it or attack another planet. So defend your turf while you pee on theirs. So now you go vtols which are like airplane and a helicopter hybrid and it can drop health and guns then there is da tank which is annoying as hell since it knocks you down. The newest edition is the battle armor which too is annoying like herpes. It can jack mechs and you can now hitch a ride! Oh then theres new mechs i dont feel like narrowing them down. Everything is harmonized, for the dumber ones the game is much more balanced. One thing that kinda balances is no mech selection, the maps have their mech layouts.

Graphics: Definately a step up from the first one. You can ram into buildings and see the damage you've done. Then you can shoot the edge with an autocannon and see where it went out. The mech expolisions are much more pulchritudinous than the last one. Not much hero to say folks its like halo 1 to halo 2. Im just gonna sum it all up with: its just better than the last one. They paid some attension to minor details too. The weapons have now new animations n shit for your pleasure.

Sounds: MOTHER F******* METALLICA!!! they got some rock n roll shyt in here like that one song getting away with murder. i dont know much about the sound tracks since im not a metal head. They also have those classic soundtracks like with the drums and shit when your in the forests. Good stuff. Most of the weapon sounds got updated too.

Im lowering the scoring down cuz the insecure ppl at day 1 did the beta test with microsoft associates only. Than we have some bugs and stupid shit like the overloaded side in conquest where you got 7 mariks and 5 steiners and you cant even view who is in the game or know what side has how many people in it, then you find yourself on your knees praying to god that you will get a steiner to join in so you can get a fair match.8/10"
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