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Posted on Thursday, June 24 @ 23:55:34 EDT by Suislide
RTS Reviewsgrumpy_boy writes "I would rarther be a "rimeater" than it play this game anymore.

I do wonder if the stupid fucking “road kill” eating hill billy hick that must have first proposed this game said…

“Hey yer all folks, please stop using me like a woman for second I’ve got a great idea! why don’t we make half a game, fuck it up and sell it to those stupid fuckers that pay for games”

Well that’s Perimeter a good idea fucked up, because the lazy fuckers that programmed this “thing” are such half baked fuckwits they probably can’t even be fucked to wipe their arseholes (they probably force the beta testers to do it), The basic idea is sound you start with a fucking great big slow defenceless useless fucking piece of shit of a space ship that was used “splash down” on the planet.

You then must build generators to provide power these also can power a shield to protect your whole base or just parts, These generators have an small area of effect which can be used to be power defensive guns, factories to produce units and buildings to improve your technology level, the generators can also be linked to together with transmitters which will send energy over longer range however these are venerable to attack so generators must be built with so defensive type stuff can be built.

By the way, if you really need to read basic stuff like that this in a review then take the fucking electrodes off your fucking skull and check your self out of the fucking clinic man and join the real world for fucks sake so I can stop pretending to give a fuck when I write picece of shit review like this.

Every thing in your base must be linked back to the “mother ship”, if a generator or transmitter is destroyed whole parts of your base can become powered down and therefore vulnerable, this forces you to think carefully build your base wisely I find this hard since I am a stupid fuck with the attention span of a three year old with attention deficit disorder.

By the way you can’t just be a sad sacred little girl crying in the corner and just build shields everywhere this would consume too much power and then your fucked (not in fact in like the beta testers).

But..but…but…but…shit! fuck me man, this game has more buts than a stay over at Michael Jackson’s.

The unit production doesn’t make sense you have build shit nancy units and can then morph these into more butch units but you never sure when or how. I was just wildly clicking and fucking hoping for the best.

As for the graphics the buildings were ok and the shield effect thing looked cool, but some of the units were so small and poorly animated you need a fucking electron fucking microscope to see them,

Well anyway avoid this game like a whore with running puss filled scabs round her mouth and shiter, I had more fun cleaning dog shit off my door step than this piss wipe of a game.


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Re: Perimeter (Score: 1)
by Suislide on Thursday, June 24 @ 23:55:57 EDT
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whats the score?

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Re: Perimeter (Score: 1)
by M0nKeY on Friday, June 25 @ 00:13:33 EDT
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This review is horrible... Half of it does not make sense.

"not in fact in like the beta testers"

Its not a action game, it an RTS.
Lay off the crack.

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Re: Perimeter (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, June 25 @ 12:27:13 EDT
"The unit production doesn’t make sense you have build shit nancy units and can then morph these into more butch units but you never sure when or how. I was just wildly clicking and fucking hoping for the best."

Buy the original game for once you cheap fuck and read it out in the manual.

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Re: Perimeter (Score: 1)
by Grooveygr on Friday, June 25 @ 22:26:32 EDT
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Everyone are busy shreding Grumpy's dignity to pieces so i though i'd take the time to actually appreciate his work. At recent times he is the only one who gets off his ass and actually writes review!
Keep it up grumpy.

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