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Re: Half-Life 2 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, November 25 @ 07:50:36 EST
ur the looser if u dont have anything better to do with your time

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Re: Half-Life 2 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, November 25 @ 10:42:56 EST
wow someone thinks there miss marple or something,,,

for all you wannabe detectives out there

1. i never claimed to be the same person, or different people for that matter - until now..

2. i made 2 comments - the restrictive one and the finished one.

3. im on a university machine - 15000 computers that *gasp* share the same public ip address. now there couldnt possibly be 2 people in 15000 that know about this site could there?

so if thats the best you got then stick to being an armchair detective monkey.

and i guess suislide is your gay lover or something then cos you really took an interest in defending him...

i must be a total loser to post my feelings on a game, wait if i am that means your calling everyone a loser...biased reviews are great fun to read but not much use if your after serious advice...

and how professional are you posting an ip address into public view? ...really advertising your work with people viewing how irresponsible you are with data.

so take suislides cock out of your mouth and stick it in your ass....if you dont want peoples opinions on games...take the fucking comments bit down...

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Re: Half-Life 2 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, November 27 @ 19:32:41 EST
The reviewer of this game is a complete ass.

It's not the vulgarness of this post, but the fact of him sounding like a complete incoherant asswipe. Good going, great way to make a completely good game, seem as if it is played by completely mundane idiots..

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