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Re: Half-Life 2 (Score: 1)
by Suislide on Thursday, November 25 @ 12:42:07 EST
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if you dont like my reviews why do you even post here you cunt?

oh wait of course you will just say something like "oh to put you in place" or "to show how much of a fanboy you are"

you swallow

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Re: Half-Life 2 (Score: 1)
by M0nKeY on Thursday, November 25 @ 13:11:46 EST
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Yea dude, somone from your university came on here and in the same writing style with all those "....."'s posted the first "dick" comment?


OMG HAhahahas
mY ass hurts from lughing so hard at you.

I think I just crapped on my chair.

If that school could produce two people who write like that I would be asking for my money back.

The comments are here becasue its fun to bait lying idiots like you. You CLAIMED the majority of people disagree with him thats the only reason I posted this... becasue in reality the majority of poeple who disagree with him... ARE YOU posting NEW threads instead of just continuing the conversation in the first "you all suck dick.." thread you started.

Somtimes I wonder why I waste my time even starting online arguments with NUBS...

OMG PwNED I SOOO pwENED YOU DFsdfsdfsdfdsfsdf

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Re: Half-Life 2 (Score: 1)
by lars on Thursday, November 25 @ 14:23:36 EST
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"3. im on a university machine - 15000 computers that *gasp* share the same public ip address. now there couldnt possibly be 2 people in 15000 that know about this site could there?"

What kind of a half-arsed uni is that? I call bullshit.

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Re: Half-Life 2 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, November 27 @ 02:35:44 EST
HAHAHa, you are a looser!

if a university has 15000 COMPUTERS, they ALL use a DIFFERENT KIND of ip ADDRESS other wise there is a TECHNIcAL DIFFICULTIEs.....

May be ur just a fucked up loser who cannot get his copy to work! Hahahaha, using a Pentium 2 at home Maybe? AHAHAHAh

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