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Re: South Park: The Stick of Truth (Score: 1) by FUCK_YOU_ALL on Tuesday, April 01 @ 13:25:30 EDT (User Info | Send a Message) | It wasn't "crated" douchbag, it was MADE. But it was made at my place.
Anyways, my buddy uses his own bandwidth, where as I conserve my bandwidth. It's win win, he gets drunk, and I don't have to pay extra usage charges.
Comprendevous monsiour idioto? If you don't, just go fucking hang yourself already.
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Re: South Park: The Stick of Truth (Score: 1) by FUCK_YOU_ALL on Friday, April 11 @ 17:34:46 EDT (User Info | Send a Message) | HEY ASS FACE. Due to extreme laziness, I just realized today, that you are dumber than dumb. All you anonymous douche turds. Fuck you. Bunch of jizz stains. FAGGOT NIGGERS. Anyways, the reason you are dumber than dumb:
I just fucking told ya'll that if I WANT the multiplayer, if I WANT full unrestricted access, if I WANT to give a fuck, like for mods to work hassle free or something, I'LL GO AND BUY IT, or take it and it's legit serial key.
So, WANTING the multiplayer? This implies I have internet, and I CONFIRM, that implication, you FUCKING. DULLARDS. BITCHes... IS THIS THE BEST YOU CAN COME UP WITH?
I can save bandwidth by having my friend torrent that shit for me, put it on an external hard drive, then install on my PC WITHOUT HAVING TO WASTE PRECIOUS BANDWIDTH.
Capeesh? FUCKING. IDIOT. |
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