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Re: Batman: Arkham Origins (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, November 09 @ 10:36:33 EST
Judge Dredd is awesome.
From the first comicbook back in who knows how many years, Dredd actually ages REAL TIME. Now he is an old man in the comic too.
And he's a fanatic as much as any villain. His obsession with the law make him despise almost the entire humanity treating all people as possible criminals. Sentecing them for even the most petty stuff just because he can. And by the law he's right, but of course one has to be a fanatic to apply it onto his very life and of course others. Lawful Neutral at it's best.

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Re: Batman: Arkham Origins (Score: 1)
by Suislide (FUCK YOU@penis in my on Sunday, November 10 @ 18:51:27 EST
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I'm sorry, but are you people retarded? I feel like you can't even form a coherent sentence.

What is this post even asking? What is better than Batman?

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