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Re: Dead Space (Score: 1)
by Suislide (FUCK YOU@penis in my on Thursday, November 06 @ 10:45:45 EST
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no you can actually see

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Re: Dead Space (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, November 07 @ 02:55:05 EST
It's good, i won't argue with that, but it's just don't fair, to give them that much glory, i mean all the good it has is what they stole from System Shock 2.. doom 3 did it too, but this.. it's just rude.
Hell, Dead Space has more similarities to SS2, than Doom 3 to Doom 2... Dead Space is System Shock 2 without SHODAN. But with the graphic standards of 2008. And technology naturally comes with time, ideas doesn't so the developers have nothing to be proud of.
If we st aside the facts mentioned above, we can say that the game itself is good, that's ok.

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