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Re: Halo 2 [XBOX] (Score: 0)
by on Friday, April 15 @ 22:23:12 EDT

Looks like someone needs a Review 101.

First thing's first -- when reviewing a game, try and piss off as few minorities as possible. You KNOW some day someone will report this site to the US government and get it shut down for violating several felonies.

Secondly -- when reviewing a game's storyline, make references to the storyline... making racial, orientation, and religion jokes only prove that you know nothing.

Thirdly -- Congratulations on the Graphics part -- the only thing you actually mentioned technical is that Bungie added "specular crap" to Halo 2... that was also in Halo 1. What /was/ new was normalmaps (or bumpmaps, practically the same thing... only real difference is the process used to create the bumpmaps... be it hand or computer generated off of a high polygon model) on non-static geometry (before it used to be a BSP-exclusive only... though there was rumours of one Halo CE modder getting bumpmaps on Mastercheif... right before his computer crashed.)

Now you should properly know how to create a review... assuming you flip your spellcheck to English from Smacktard. I am not a Halo 2 worshipper, it definitely had a lot of room to improve and didn't live to its hype. Though, I didn't write a review to say Halo 2 sucked just because the general public liked it... people like that (I like to call them shit-disturbers, or attention deprived teenagers) are the types of people who buy trenchcoats, dye their hair green, and pronounce themselves as Wikken solely so they can carry around a big ass knife and play the Religion card when anyone tries to take it from them.

Please take this advice seriously -- and maybe you'll gain more credibility than a smacktard's weblog.

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