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Re: Indie Game Blowout: Part 1 (Score: 1)
by Shn on Monday, April 21 @ 06:25:33 EDT

I have plenty indie games in my Steam collection and I have to admit you're right about most of them. It's starting to be the same as on phone/tablet appstores, with most of the games being shitty and only a few standing out.

Anywho, I thought the binding of isaac had an interesting world, but the gameplay and rogue-like part were no better than a flash game.

I thought Giana sisters was pretty but boring. But that may be because I've played too many platform games.

Papers please does have many different endings. You can start over from any day so it's easy to see a few different ones.

I thought pixel junk eden was well done for what it's supposed to be: a simple relaxing "game".

Now I wonder what other games you're going to review next...

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