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Spore: What Happened? (Score: 0)
by on Saturday, August 25 @ 19:01:29 EDT

This isn't a fucking review, this is an anecdote. Just cut to the chase and tell us about the game. A video game review needs to mention three things: graphics, sound, and gameplay. You didn't even mention the first two, and you barely acknowledged the third. Instead of just saying you played some stages, tell us what the stages are and what you thought about each. Discuss the customizable creator aspects, and what you liked and didn't like about the creator for each stage.

You could have mentioned the bullshit DRM in a single sentence. We all hate DRM, fuck, that could have been a one sentence review. "This game is made by EA and has shit DRM, so don't buy it." That also probably would have been helpful to know back in fucking 2008. Sort of pointless bringing it up now. Why don't you play a game made in the last year for a change, and tell people what you thought of that, before they've wasted their money and/or time.

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