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Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic (Score: 0)
by on Tuesday, April 17 @ 07:14:13 EDT

Calling anything original is pretty much wrong, unless you can find the first human from whatever part of our chain species that told the handful of stories that can be told. It's in the way they are presented, and anything can be boiled down to the root idea or concept. Bunch of fucking whining except for the engine, but I enjoy it as an alternative since (almost) everything can be solo'd, especially as an operative.And you can change the 0.5-1.0 action sequence between skills in the options you tard fuck(this is to the op).I chain heal like a motherfucker and 2 man 5-mans with a friend all the time, and we destroy anything in pvp below the common zerg fest in huttball. Don't blame the game in that respect, be honest in your failure. . Otherwise life in general will be very hard for you(again to the op). Star Wars wasn't even Lucas' original concept as far as the look and virtually everything but the script, which wasn't even finished, so at least try and do some research so you can at least know who the fuck to bash. The game may have issues, but this incessant crying, along with the vomit-inducing comparisons to WoW as god of MMO's even though it robbed EVERYTHING from games like Lineage, UO, NEVERWINTER NIGHTS, and mostly Everquest with a little more polish aside from Blizz's own lore, which itself is so unoriginal, as you say(when you break it down,and it isn't hard) about SWTOR that it makes me wish someone in another country would agree to a plan of mutually assured destruction. Instead of that pic with the dude eating Biowware's shit, you should have one with a kid with a WoW stamp on his forhead right behind the first, human centipede style. Fuckin shitty kids, learn where the fuck your god came from at least before bowing down to kiss his feet and shun all others that come after as false idols.

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