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Re: Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 (Score: 1)
by ThePlowbeast on Monday, February 27 @ 02:19:54 EST

Had to make an account just to add to original article writer's rage. Fair disclosure, some twisted masochistic part of me likes the game a little.

The level design in some places is also pretty lazy as the game will literally TELEPORT enemies around you just to add to the "challenge".

Armor is often weaker here than in reality where it can shrug off most light arms fire. (Hint: Body armor is supposed to handle most shotgun buckshot.)

The enemies are pretty stupid and don't have many tactics besides "Hide and get shot" like the article says. It'd be great if they'd learn to run away from you like a random terrorist would when a heavily armed Spec Ops team just gunned down a dozen of your buddies.

The multiplayer isn't much better; connectivity is often bad and with the game's age, most of the sane players have left leaving the hardcore, the zergers, and the assholes (some overlap).

But ALL that could be forgivable if the game didn't take itself SO SERIOUSLY. Sorry, Rainbow Six developers, your game isn't the most realistic, gritty, detailed, or well-researched FPS and putting plugs for the game in the SAME GAME'S MAPS is tacky and nauseating.

That said, I can still play this for a few hours before doubting my own dignity and manhood before dumping it somewhere for a month.

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