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Re: Dead Space (Score: 1)
by Pixelated on Friday, November 07 @ 13:00:22 EST

This game is fun and coming from EA that's hard for me to admit. Although they basically just fucking bought it when they bought Dice, like they do all of their good games and IP. As if EA could design good games like Mass Effect and Dead Space. They're just like brain dead forty something spoiled rich yuppies who ask daddy to by it for them.

Anyways this game is awesome and I didn't realize until like the very end of the game that I'd basically been doing the same things over and over for eight hours. It just doesn't really get boring or stale when you're dismembering flesh and bone. I wish they didn't fuck the controls the way they did for the PC though. I can think of a few different ways that they could have compensated for the precision of a mouse. Also there are a lot of parts where this game just screams port but that's not surprising. Still it doesn't take away from it too much.

The only other complaint I could have would be all of the upgrade slots on weapons and gear that you'll just never be able to max out. Seems kind of pointless unless you play it on easy and just spend all of your credits on those power nodes. When playing on the max difficulty level you are always short on ammo and credits. I'm surprised EA didn't censor it for the countries that banned it. Actually shocked is more like it.

Just give me the plasma cutter and the line gun and I'm good. There's nothing like cutting 3 of those flesh piles in half at the same time with the line gun.

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