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| | | Re: Angry Video Game Nerd/Zero Punctuation Can Both Suck My Cock (Score: 1) by D (lasergrenades@bucketofllamas.com) on Sunday, April 13 @ 11:44:15 EDT
AVGN is essentially a clone of Seanbaby without the wit, wordplay or extremely flamboyant hair which makes Seanbaby such a classic example of videogame humor, combined with a whole bunch more swearing. It's fairly low-grade, though it's still better than the average Kotaku / Destructoid "lol we make a funnies" faggotry.
On the other hand, Zero Punctuation is the family guy [ass] of comedic game culture - try reading the script for one of the videos and the unfunny is bitingly obvious. To try to achieve any kind of laughs it relies on a gimmick - in this case, animooted [sic] flash imagery and vaguely Dr Ashens accent. (Incidently, Dr Ashens is far funnier).
The problem I find with both is simply that they have a stale approach to their reviewing. None of them have a real 'hook' to keep a captive audience. None of their reviews really break new ground or even cause any sort of contraversy; ZeroPunctuation is particularly bad in this case with a mixture of poor 'serious' reviews and a lack of genuine critical insight.
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