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| | | Re: Final Fantasy XI (Score: 1) by MrPissedOff on Monday, December 25 @ 20:05:26 EST
lol sad thing is, I bought the game thinking it'd be cool to play "Final Fantasy" online lol... It's nothing like the real final fantasy games.. Just about everything the review had to say is true... lol... The environments are cool, like the cities.. But the processing time is so fucking slow.. to open a door it takes about 2 seconds!
lol and yes.. The Bagpipe music... Hilarous.. Since when does final fantasy use bag pipes?..
Also, the controls suck asss! The UI sucks shit! this game WAS soley developed for the console world.. PC gamers know that EQ2 or WOW fucking own this game.. graphics ARE shitty, the sounds are CRAPPY.. the quests.. Well okay here's my experience.
I create a character that looks like everyone else.. cuz that's all you can make.. I heard you can bcome a ninja, so I look for the class.. But there isn't one.. Do some reasearch online.. It's something you gotta unlock in the game! And apparently at level 30!
So I was like okay.. fine.. I make a monk.. Load into the bagpipe town, and the fucking opening takes 10 mins.. You can't stop it! It's just there.. you gotta deal with it..
I finaly get control of my own character, and have the most fucking hardest time moving.. because when you press W... you dont move up, you open the chat.. You press 8 you move up but also start chatting if you press the space bar.
There's no jumping, your character movement is slow as hell..
So I get the quest to turn in a adventure ticket to someone... But I forgot who I was suposed to turn it into.. SO! I spent like 20 mins trying to figure out how to access your Quest journal.. Turns out.. You dont have one.. so I sent someone a /tell asking.. They replied back.. But for you to reply back, you gotta type /r name ... EVERYTIME you wanna reply.. What's the point when you can just press /t?.. what's the dif?
This game is outdated, and stupid... Maybe they should make a new one and just scrap this one.. I have to agree with grumpy... this game is okay for the PS2.. But in all other cases, thsi game is fucking a waste of valuable time... Time I'd rather waste watching paint dry, grass grow, and sky fall..
Big let down.
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