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Re: Halo 2 [XBOX] (Score: 1)
by youguysneedagirlfriend on Sunday, March 12 @ 13:56:30 EST

WTF????? That pic is gay

ALL YOU FUCKING COCKFAGS REALLY NEED TO OPEN YOUR EYES AND GET OFF OF THE GAMECUBE AND ACTUALLY LOOK AT HALO 2 IT HAD THE BEST GRAPHICS AROUND WHEN IT CAME OUT AND THE ONLY THING THAT HAS BESTED IT IS SPLINTER CELL: CHAOS THEORY AND A FEW XBOX 360 GAMES. And to all of you mother fucking racists insulting the muslims and jews and blacks, go to fucking hell you think that they have an inferior religion, NO! god damn mimi-hitlers. The game play is awesome and the soundtrack is one of the best I've ever heard. Not only that but you really gotta open your biast eyes shit prick and actually play it before you review it. IGN is one of the best gaming sites on the net and the reviews they give are true. and the reason microsoft and bungie got 130 million dollars from it is because it's a good game not retarded get a life, get off of the couch and stop masturbating to porno. Really man are you fucking gay or something cuz you really make it sound like it. GET A GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKING LIFE AND LEARN TO FUCKING SPELL, THEN PEOPLE MIGHT RESPECT YOU. THIS REVIEW SUCKS AND SO DOES THIS SITE

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