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Re: Final Fantasy XI (Score: 0)
by on Monday, July 11 @ 14:13:56 EDT

You're a dumbass. ALL MMORPG's require at least a little thought and ingenuity in order to succeed-which you have shown here you lack indeed.
"Wah, it takes long to download!" That's a sign of just how much this game has to offer. How could you ever get bored in this game? Once you reach a certain point (Which doesn't take too long I might add), You can participate in Nation Missions, Zilart missions, Promathia missions, any of the hundreds of quests scattered throughout the entire world, spanning areas that could take you weeks to explore. And ALL of those have a monetary or item reward for completion.
"Wah! AH is expensive!" This is perhaps the stupidest comment in all your idiotic review. If everything is so expensive as you claim, you could take advantage of it by collecting high-selling items and selling them, thus earning you (Yes, earning, you seem to think you should get money for free)much needed cash. Not only that but careful manipulation of 'Cock-sucking Crafts' can earn you Huge, HUGE sums of profit when done right. Too bad you can't possibly apply any intelligence here.
FFXI's major aspect is group play--What's wrong with that? Sure sometimes it can suck, but geez, maybe you just have no social skills and suck so bad people just whined at you until you cried. This is one of the few games that allows grouping as such an intricate and evolutionalized level.
Last thing, about your stupid little comment about the graphics.

FFXI has Top-Notch graphics; But the crappier your TV, the worse they will appear. If your TV can't handle high resolutions, then the graphics will suck. Suck BAD. Just like EVERY OTHER GAME...
"well, to me they blow, washed out colours out flat and 5 year old nephew’s recorded better on his “Fisher Price” tape recorder."
You must have looted a TV from your dead neighbor or something similar to have gotten a horrible TV with such bad visuals.

All in all, how could you even think to review a game when you don't understand the basics? Shut your face, and do yourself a favor and, as previously said, hide yourself and go jerk off in a corner.

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