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Re: Final Fantasy XI (Score: 0)
by on Monday, July 11 @ 04:48:48 EDT

Ok, here's the deal. First, I noticed you disliked the whole "party" feature. Well, let me ask you a simple question... Can you recall a single Final Fantasy game where there was a SOLO hero? No, the all consisted of a small group of characters. Also, not to be offensive, but I don't think very many people are going to listen to what you have to say, if you don't have the intelligence to spell the word "Bored" correctly. To quote you... "All in all FFXI is alright I suppose but I got board pretty quick, and don’t really think it worth the money."
If you have a problem with actually having to apply a little knowledge and common sense into the game your playing, then maybe you should take a look at "World Of Warcraft", a simple game where little thinking is involved. Excuse SE for trying to provide us with an interesting game that brings depth and originality to Online gaming.
Also, your complications with obtaining currency were probably due to the fact that you most likely never passed level 5. Unlike other games, you have to make SOME progress in XI before you can obtain large sums of profit. Now that I'm finished ranting about your post, I have to add one last comment. I 100% agree with you... San d'Oria (one of the main three nations) has bagpipes playing as the BGM. That's just not right.

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