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Re: Final Fantasy XI (Score: 0)
by on Saturday, June 04 @ 07:54:14 EDT

Dude, you obviosly only played the game for like 2 hours or something, because obviosly you are such a n00b at MMORPG's. The whole point of it is to build up from scratch; lvl your character, make some money and later if you feel like it invest in a craft. Getting advanced jobs at later levels isn't as hard as you whine about. You can get them once you lvled 1 job to lvl 30 which is totally doable. They quests and missions you can do are spectaculair, endless and keeps adding little things to the storyline, the ones you did were probably for starters like yourself, which don't cost you much time and effort and gets you some money at the same time. You simply have not enough insight in this game to rate it. And with all the 'fucking dull' you mentioned it also seems you are simply not cut out to play RPG's, especially online. So why don't you just go play your hack-and-slash, mindless racing and shooting games and write a dumbass review about how 'fucking' cool it is and go jerk off in a corner. You obviosly don't have the skill to objectivly write a review on anything. Too bad for you man, but don't confuse other people with your bullshit.

In my honest opinion, the game is very interesting. Once you get started there is an endless world of possiblilities for you, it's almost impossible to get bored in this game, cause there is ALWAYS something to do. Lvl jobs, do quests or missions, lvl a craft or just help out other people and make new friends to play with. 50% of the game is all about the contact you have with others and the things you do together. It may seems hard at the start but if your confused about something or need help with anything you can always ask someone else around you, people are always willing to help newcomers explore Vana'diel and to get a steady start in the game.

Rate: 8.5/10 (and that is an objective rating, based on gameplay/content, game-experience and indepth research)

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