Cruise Ship Tycoon
Date: Wednesday, October 29 @ 16:04:49 EST
Topic: RTS Reviews

Ok i had no fucking idea what kind of game this was... this was so, complete utter bullshit that it is incomphrensible...

Ok, to start off the install was all screwey and just said "installing" the whole way through, no filenames, no percentage, no nothing

Then when i opened it, it looked like the menu had been made by a fucking 5 year old, cartoony graphics, bouncy fonts.

the graphics in game, i dont know whether they were worse or better, still cartoony and low res shite. there was no tutorial, so i tried to work out this shit game by myself.

the controls sucked my ass, i mean it was like a completly paralysed guy had designed it, there was no "rotate" for it or anything

I dunno what the fuck was up with the sound, or even if there was any... i did get a little distorted "tv out of signal sound" at the start, but that was it

I uninstalled it minutes later...


This article comes from Video Games Suck

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