Angry Video Game Nerd/Zero Punctuation Can Both Suck My Cock
Date: Wednesday, March 12 @ 13:58:16 EDT
Topic: Site News/General Bullshit

Both of these guys can suck my big fat cock and choke on my huge load of sperm. I was the original mother fucker and then these turds come along and garner more popularity. Well they can SUCK MY DICK.

Ok so you have this turd that came out swearing in reviews and making fun of in about 2006. Oh wow, thats about three fucking years after I have already been doing this. The only difference is he makes half hour episodes for stupid video games and uses youtube or whatever to watch them. Yeah I really want to see you fucking ugly nerd face when I am listening to a review. The Kicker? He reviews old fucking shitty games that no one cares about. Guess what? We all played Bible Stories, We all know it sucks. We know the NES Glove thing sucked. This guy is a fucking idiot stuck in the 1980s reviewing shit that we have already discussed and have come to the conclusion that sucks. He is basically restating what everyone already knew. Hey Angry Video Game Nerd, way to copy off my style you cock sucking asshole.

Then this other cock sucker, Ben Croshaw, comes around starts making flash videos with his rapid fire faggot british accent on and makes god awful reviews. Hey guess what Ben? You fucking suck. You can't write positive reviews for games and still make them funny. You know why? Because you are awful. Your shit is unoriginal and you can smoke my smegma covered cock.

These homosexuals pop up fucking dime-a-dozen now days. Vulgar reviews were my idea. I was first, yet these cock suckers get the praise. You both can go eat shit because you aren't original. I am the original!

This article comes from Video Games Suck

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