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Re: Angry Video Game Nerd/Zero Punctuation Can Both Suck My Cock (Score: 1)
by Johnny on Sunday, April 27 @ 05:04:33 EDT
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As opposed to the originality of telling everyone and everything that it can "suck his dick" that seems to be the theme of this place.

Seems Suislide just listened to a little too much Eminem while reading Maddox and he came up with this place.

Text based + Telling everyone they can suck his dick = Old news

It's not original. There's no entertainment vallue. (Ohh let's see what he has writen today. Okay apparantly he is telling some game developer they can suck his dick. Apparantly black people and mexicans suck after which he goes down on the makers of some FPS that is just a copy of another FPS with new skins.)

There's no visual comedy and no verbal comedy. Just some little kid screaming shit and cock in the back of the classroom trying to get a laugh. Except it's now 15 years later. He is in the unemployment line and nobody is laughing because it's not funny anymore

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